Thursday, February 25, 2010

Single Wash $1.25

Due to the Winter Wonderland covering NYC today, I had to resort to taking pictures in my dorm's laundry room. And, even though the lighting wasn't spectacular, the pictures came out pretty well. And the comedy of the laundry room didn't hurt, either.

Trying to climb into the front-loader foot first.

Blue scarf, button down, and leggings (Forever21), Blazer (Coldwater Creek), Boots (Bass), Shorts (Unknown).
And yes, I know you're thinking "WTF Mate, my mom shops at Coldwater Creek!". Yes, so does my mom. We go together. It's cute. And they're great for some classics, such as this blazer. Plus, I'm a grandmother at heart, so don't hate on the G-Mas.

I love the angles created in this picture.

And here's my favorite from the day.
Special thanks to Anat's photographin' skills...and for putting up with me hanging upside down.

Stay warm in the snow!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't think i can go down in the laundry room and look at it the same way anymore

love, april